Friday, January 29, 2010

#055 passenger alarm shenanigans

on the tube last night after a few jars with the boys, some bugger pulled the alarm on the train. (not me) people were running around scowling and getting angry, passengers were tutting and getting frustrated and ansty. i sat in my little world of calm reading my spike milligan book, eating my one pound pastie and listening to julia nunes. i was quite happy to sit there all night. but everyone else acted like it was the end of the world hahahahaha d you see what i did there... hahaha...ha..ok i ll go now

Thursday, January 28, 2010

#054 donated to the natural history museum

all i can think of is late 19th century manuals on how to humanely collect dispatch and display butterflys and moths. then if you scale that up it's not a huge leap

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

#053 clamped

it s a simple concept today. with the orbit around the sun halted the weather would fail and change and cataclysm would follow. on a subconcious level it is the fear of such an event that makes us all hate clampers.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

#052 the chrch of jobs end of the world

aaaaaaah the latest piece of apple tat, i ve got to have it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
some people scare me
idea from the kenneth kufluk

Monday, January 25, 2010

#051 earth sued in class action. unable to pay damages, population seized

you can just see those klingons and mysterons and the floaty things from the original war of the worlds itching to get revenge for such a negative portrayal. really they re just misunderstood

Sunday, January 24, 2010

#050 fucking number fifty woop woop

#050 enough said.

fifty drawings, doesnt seem that many considering i ve been doing this since october but i guess thats ten weeks worth of week day drawings with a break for christmas, crazy. guess i ve got to keep pushing till i reach 100
if there's anyone still paying attention i thank you for perseverance

Thursday, January 21, 2010

#049 mistaken identitty

mistaken identity, how embarassing.
stayed away from the wars for nearly 50 ends so i think i m allowed one

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

#048 you must get to the end of the game

i think the real tragedy for me would be having to survive the ordeal with kirsten dunst.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

#047 shameless python tribute

i held off doing this as long as possible but day has already started going bad so this is to cheer myself up.

Monday, January 18, 2010

#046 peep

migrate to the chick will come the cry, everybody abandon the earth

Friday, January 15, 2010

#45 last day of plague week, plague of lice......aaah so itchy

last day of plague week. went old school and i reckon this would actually end my world, imagine the mass hysteria of everybody driven wild with itchyness. hordes of demented people with festering hair roaming wild as democracy breaks down
it s the end of the world i tells yer

Thursday, January 14, 2010

#44 a plague of televangelists

this is the end of world for me. just one is the end of the world for me. many. fuck thats a horrible thought.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

#43 mercutio's plague

this i feel should have always been where willy s should have started the sequel. in plague ravaged verona with the reanimated corpses of romeo and juliet. but back then science fiction works were only allowed to be made up by the church. central orb my arse.
check me out with the literary knowledge.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

#42 a plaque of bad spelling

crappy pun i know.
so shoot me

Monday, January 11, 2010

the firsts of the plague of jont..... a plague of lowcosts (say it out loud it makes more sense)

plague one.

lo and the jont decreeeed all the religious nations of the world would be condemned to suffer 5 mighty plagues... and the first plague came to pass. the plague of lowcosts. stores that sold their goods for the princely some of a single pound or multiples thereof. As their number did proliferate, the economies of the world did collapse and there was much cursing of jont s name and nashing of teeth..


get on it..... plague week.. here we come

Friday, January 8, 2010

#40 mars takes some parking lessons from londoners

does what it says on the tin
also might do a plague week next week and try and have a full week of themeyness

Thursday, January 7, 2010

#39 earth is put into a black hole

one of the more unreligious thoughts from christmas i was telling you about

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

#38 meeting adjourned

if we were actually in danger i feel this is what would happen
oh well

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

#37 pillage by choconteurs

chocolatiers find the gooey centre of chocolately goodness and use it to make an army of little golden bunnies.

Monday, January 4, 2010

#36 shoddy construction

i ve had to much god recently. this is the least un-christian end of the world i came up with. i might post the others...maybe...they're mostly ranting scribbles.

back after christmas break. #35 one inch

have to do this before i have to attend to the thousands of things that are in my inbox and waiting for me to sort out as the first business day after christmas. so here it is an end of the world more topical when i drew it before christmas but there we go.